Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Midday Madness?

Who's at home? Children? Friends? Just you having a peaceful lunch? Whether it's a calm moment or a crazy toddler-fuelled one, we'd like a peep.

Not very hectic at mine but anyway here's a photo of my lunch. For those of you who have stumbled across my blog for perhaps the first time, don't worry, I'm not mad (debatable), I'm just doing the Uk At Home photo project this week. Toasted bagels with cream cheese and 2 very lovely congratulations cards which arrived this morning (I didn't eat them!) I saved them until lunchtime to open so I had something to look forward to with my lunch (how sad!) I especially love the card on the left which my auntie sent me- she lives in the US. It's so cute with the pigs' snouts made of a tiny pink button. Very me!


Monkee Maker said...

Mmmmm, bagel and cream cheese.

And it's great that you saved the cards til lunchtime. I quite often spend a lot of time looking at done-up packages. The anticipation is so great!

natural attrill said...

The little pink card is sweet, and the other looks like a carlton?!!

Pea said...

Yes Penny, it's a Carlton card! James's mum bought me it specially and underlined the Carlton cards logo on the back in case I didn't notice!
The pink pig card is lovely and it's an american Hallmark one.

Anonymous said...

I have not been in blogland for ages. But I feel congratulations are in order. WELL DONE. Love the random pics of your week around your home. oh and WELL DONE again.