Monday, September 24, 2007

The big tour

Show us what makes the place where you live your home. Capture the essence and emotions- the nooks and crannies, the cat curled up in its favourite place, the piles of laundry after the weekend, whatever says it all about your home.

Not sure how well I've answered this brief, but here are a few of my photos from today. I must say that doing this project today has made me really look at my home and see things that I ignore every day in a new light. I have to face up to the fact that we are messy (even though I like to think I'm not!) I've had good fun taking these photos and trying to get nice shots from what is a fairly small, basic rented flat. We've lived here for 3 years though, so it is home.
I can submit up to 3 shots for today's project and am finding it hard to decide which ones to use. What do you think?


natural attrill said...

Oh this is interesting pea!
I really like the 4th photo from the top, the light and shadows, that, and the second from the bottom, the stairs are my favourites. The 3rd from bottom is good too, I like the squashed cushion, it really looks like you've just been sitting there writing a list, and the little block of light is nice.
The pic that I enlarged straight away was the bookshelf, to see whats on there, but then I guess I am just nosey!
Looking forward to seeing more.

John Nez said...

Very nice! The dissarray of stuff is admirable... only I see no significant buildup of 'dust kittys'!


Thanks for sharing..
